E-poster No. / 壁報編號
Title / 題目

The Efficacy of Thrombin-Gelatin Matrix in Hemostasis for Large Breast Tumor after Vacuum-Assisted Breast Biopsy

First Author / 第一作者
Yen-Dun Tony Tzeng
Institution / 單位
Department of Surgery, Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital
Audio / 音訊檔
Author Group / 作者群
Yen-Dun Tony Tzeng 1, 2, Shiuh-Inn Liu1, Being-Whey Wang 1, Yu-Chia Chen1, Po-Ming Chang1, I-Shu Chen1, Jim Jinn-Chyuan Sheu2, Jui-Hu Hsiao3*
Author Group Institution/ 作者群單位
1. Department of Surgery, Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital, Taiwan 2. Institute of Biomedical Sciences, National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan 3. Department of Surgery, Kaohsiung Municipal Minsheng Hospital, Taiwan
Category / 主題分類
Clinical Research
Keyword / 關鍵字
Breast disease; vacuum-assisted breast biopsy (VABB)