E-poster No. / 壁報編號
Title / 題目

Roles of matrix metalloproteinases-9 in breast cancer

First Author / 第一作者
Chen, Ping-Hsiu
Institution / 單位
1.Graduate Institute of Medicine, College of Medicine, Kaohsiung Medical University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan; 2.Department of Pathology, Kaohsiung Municipal Ta-Tung Hospital, Kaohsiung, Taiwan;
Audio / 音訊檔
Author Group / 作者群
Chen, Ping-Hsiu1,2., Yeh, Yao-Tsung, Ph.D.3, Huang, Yu-Chun, Ph.D.3, Wei, Yu-Ching, M.D. 2,5. Yang, Sheau-Fang, M.D., M.S. 4,5.
Author Group Institution/ 作者群單位
1Graduate Institute of Medicine, College of Medicine, Kaohsiung Medical University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan; 2Department of Pathology, Kaohsiung Municipal Ta-Tung Hospital, Kaohsiung, Taiwan; 3Aging and Disease Prevention Research center of Fooyin University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan; 4Department of Pathology, Kaohsiung Medical University Hospital, Kaohsiung, Taiwan; 5Department of Pathology, School of Medicine, College of Medicine, Kaohsiung Medical University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
Category / 主題分類
Clinical Research
Keyword / 關鍵字