E-poster No. / 壁報編號
Title / 題目
Concordance between Index of Distance Recurrence and Oncotype DX on the Asian population with early breast cancer
First Author / 第一作者
Chuan-Hsun Chang
Institution / 單位
(1)Department of Surgery, Cheng-Hsing General Hospital
Audio / 音訊檔
Author Group / 作者群
Po-Sheng Yang(2,3), Chia-Ming Hsieh(4), Chiun-Sheng Huang(5), Kuan-Hui Shih(6), Ting-Hao Chen(6), Skye H. Cheng(7)
Author Group Institution/ 作者群單位
(1)Department of Surgery, Cheng-Hsing General Hospital; (2)Department of Medicine, MacKay Medical College; (3)Department of General Surgery, MacKay Memorial Hospital; (4)Department of Surgery, Taiwan Adventist Hospital; (5)Department of Surgery, National Taiwan University Hospital; (6)Department of Medical Operation, Amwise Diagnostics Pte. Ltd. (7)Department of Radiation Oncology, Koo Foundation Sun Yat-Sen Cancer Center
Category / 主題分類
Basic Research
Keyword / 關鍵字
Oncotype Dx、RecurIndex